Hi Guys,

Project number 3 or 4 I have lost count!

I dreaded this week as all i could imagine was drawing the same endless pages of shit for 2 seconds of screen time, but surprise i actually throughly enjoyed it!

once taught the software it was as easy as point..move..shoot again and again and i started to really get a hang of using the software and basic animating in general.

The weeks task was chosen as Time and we had to interpret it in our own way and create a 2 minute film using any form of animation available

My team worked really hard and we used cut paper to create a South Park looking film based on a timeline of famous events such as, The Royal Wedding, 50 years of Disney, Tsunamis and Bombings.

There was a huge diversity of ideas from all of the separate teams and not one was similar which was nice as they all stood out on their own merits.

I would love to spend a few lunch breaks making my own animation!

IMG_0110Moving around the pieces before taking a shot for the next frame, we did over 500!

IMG_0109Animation in progress, check out the happy baby

Thats all folks!

Thanks again for reading.

Kind regards
